Hermes Trismegistus

Soul-centred Astrology

About me

Welcome to this website. My name is Ben Rovers, I have been working as a professional astrologer since 2014. I provide astrological consultations and coaching. I do this online as well as in the ‘Coach huis’ in Nijmegen in The Netherlands. I am founder of The Hermetic Cosmos | School of Astrology in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. I am a member of the professional associations for Astrologers in the Netherlands (AVN and ASAS). Regularly, I also write about astrology.

Before astrology came my way, I worked as a scientist. After a drastic burn-out experience, I decided to take a different path. This marked the transition to a life in which learning from life, personal and spiritual growth became central. Over a period of about 20 years, I immersed myself intensively in a variety of spiritual traditions and practices. Astrology influenced me most profoundly. I have been trained as an astrologer in the Netherlands, Belgium and England and I practice a variety of forms: classical astrology, psychological, Jungian astrology and spiritual astrology (Hermetic astrology).

There is a beautiful quote by Picasso that says the meaning of life lies in discovering your gift and then the goal is to pass on that gift. While I am certainly not finished discovering, I consider my work to be a form of passing on what I myself have been privileged to receive.

Lets meet!

Focus on Soul Dimension

Astrology is a difficult phenomenon to explain. It miraculously connects the material and spiritual dimensions of existence, allowing a deep insight into the affairs of life. French anthropologist Lucien Lévy-Brühl speaks of a participation mystique: a mystical connection between man and cosmos, which lies deep in the unconscious. The symbols of astrology provide access to this unconscious world, in which, according to Carl Gustav Jung, all knowledge of humanity is stored.

My focus is on the soul dimension in astrology. The soul is our deeper core, longing to grow in consciousness, through experiences of joy as well as pain. Gnosticism and Hermeticism are important sources of inspiration for me: the fact that all knowledge is present within us and that we can unlock this deeper knowing if we open ourselves to it. Hermeticism says that true self-knowledge leads to knowledge of the All. This kind of knowledge can only be attained through the soul.


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+31 610 888 242

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